
        Welcome to the beginning of change! This blog is all about inspiring positive change for people in their health, confidence, and definition of beauty.

What is HBC?

Healthy, Beautiful, Confident!

        The HBC campaign is something very special to me, because it was brought about by my own experiences (which you can read about in the "My Story" tab above. Being a first-hand witness to the negativity that derives from self esteem and health issues has inspired me to be the voice of change among those who are facing the same situations that I have faced. Though my experiences may not have been pleasant, I am using those memories as lessons learned and as motivation to keep spreading the HBC message! My goal is to show children, adolescents, and even adults that their beauty and confidence lays in their own hands, and not anyone else's; that they are in control of their own happiness, and that they have the power to change how they feel about themselves, for the better. Though mainly focusing on health and fitness, the Healthy, Beautiful, Confident initiative touches upon several other key issues that are problematic among today's youth. These topics include self-esteem building, bullying, and discovering a true sense of beauty. Here, you can find out exactly what the HBC campaign is all about, and the components to living a Healthy, Beautiful, Confident lifestyle.

I believe it is in everyone's interest to be healthy, and that some may simply not know how to do so. To be truly healthy and achieve your health goals, you have to do it the right way. This means taking your time, being patient, and helping, rather than harming, yourself. With today's fast pace world, its understandable that people may be seeking the quickest and easiest way possible, but something I have been taught is that the things worth having don't come easily, and things that come easily usually are not worth having. Also, health is not just about lifting weights and eating right, but total wellness includes your emotional, mental, and physical health. When people seek the quickest options to looking a certain way, major health issues such as bulimia and anorexia can develop, which in turn lead to many other serious health complications. Before matters ever reach that point, it's important to teach young people the true  meaning of beauty and confidence, and to give them the tools they need to reach a healthy lifestyle the right way.

Diet- Everything about your diet is an important aspect of your life. what you eat, how much you eat, and how often you eat are all things that you should be taking into account. It may seam tedious but the results you will see are so worth it! You should make it a habit to read food labels, and monitor how much of each food group you are in taking, and how many calories, grams of protein, fat, sugar, and sodium you are putting into your body. Think of your body as a car. You wouldn't put mud into your car and expect it to function properly, right? The same goes for your body! You have to supply your body with the best of the best nutrition for it to function properly and achieve health and fitness. Now, this does not, by any means, indicate that you cant enjoy an occasional piece of cake or fries! The key is moderation.

Exercise- For some, keeping a healthy diet is the difficult part, and for others, it is the exercise. Exercise really is your friend! Getting some form of exercise daily can work wonders for your health. It can help relieve stress, build muscle, burn fat, release endorphins, lower blood pressure, and so much more. When you think about it, why wouldn't someone want to exercise?! Even if you can't make it to the gym, don't want to go to the gym, or don't have a lot of time on your hands, there is still no excuse for you not to do something! Anything at all, even if only for 10 minutes, will benefit you. Some exercise is so much better than none at all, always keep that in mind. There are so many great ways to get yourself moving that don't require gym equipment or very much room! Sometimes it is just fun to be creative and resourceful and use the things, space, and time that you do have!

How can there be a universal definition of beauty? Honestly there cant be, and this is because every person in the world is so different than every other person in the world. Beauty is so much more than your appearance, it is greater than that and way more valuable than the physicality of a person. I truly believe that our focus on beauty is misplaced, and that rather than try to universally define beauty, we should try to instill within ourselves, and others, that our beauty can only be defined solely by our selves.

"Their" idea vs. Yours- Nobody is the same, therefore, no two people's "beautifuls" will be the same. What I mean by "their" idea of beautiful is the social media, falsified images, and those who make others believe that they must look a certain way to obtain value. With media images being distorted to make celebrities appear slimmer, viewers are inclined to feel the need to look the same way, when, in actuality, those images are not at all real. These fake images are what make us look to unhealthy and dangerous measures to achieve the looks that we see. It is important for us to understand that none of the glorified hair, makeup, or body size that the media portrays are important. What really is important is how we see and define ourselves. Our beauty is not defined by what we look like, but by our character, attitude, and optimism. When  it cones down to it, the truly remarkable aspects of a person come solely from their personality. Have you ever heard the saying "A beautiful face coupled with an ugly personality is not really beautiful at all"? It's true! Personality overrules appearance, hands down. The ability to make someone laugh, sharing a smile with someone you don't know, (because they truly are contagious!), and having a positive outlook on life are  truly more outstanding than the most amount of makeup or the lowest number on the scale. I cannot even begin to stress how important it is to possess this knowledge, because knowing your value really is power. When you know that you are beautiful, because you said so, you have power over your emotions and how others make you feel.

Now that we have covered how to obtain  a healthy and fit lifestyle, and seek value within ourselves, lets cover how we can show our new found health and beauty with confidence! Having high self-esteem is a very important quality to posses. When you hold your head high, others cant help but notice! I have intentionally placed this component lastly in the HBC program, because it is more difficult, I have experienced, to be confident when you are not at your best health, or when you are trying to define your beauty upon what others say is beautiful. So, now that we know how we can overcome our health and beauty concerns, high self-esteem comes naturally! They say that when you look good, you feel good, but I say it is the opposite way around! As mentioned above, it is not the appearance that matters. When you feel good about yourself, it is noticeable, and shines through you, which exclaims true beauty. (Hence the term "inner beauty" ;)

That being said, it is imperative to realize that there is a major difference between being confident, and being arrogant. Confidence, I believe, is a form of beauty which comes with knowing how beautiful you are no matter what others say or believe. Confidence should be something that radiates from within and gives you a warm, approachable, friendly persona. Arrogance, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. Arrogance means you believe and act in a way that says you are better than others. This kind of attitude does not say you are approachable, friendly, or very pleasant to be around.  Nobody is truly better than anyone else. We all bleed the same! It is arrogance of some people that makes it difficult for confidence to grow in others. What you believe yourself to be, is what you are! Believe you are Healthy, Beautiful, and Confident, (and work towards it) and you will be Healthy, Beautiful, and Confident! When you have high self esteem, nobody can bring you down. Bullies are more likely to target those who have low self esteem, because someone with low self esteem is more likely to believe that what others say about them is true. Do not give anyone that power, rather, empower yourself! Sometimes you just need to look into the mirror and say "I may not look like this celebrity, but what I see in this mirror is all real, and it's all me, and it's all beautiful! I am... Healthy, Beautiful, Confident!"

P.S.- I wouldn't give you this program without the tools to get you started and backing you up along the way! Look for tips, tricks, motivation, and inspiration to an HBC lifestyle in each of the "Healthy", "Beautiful", and "Confident" sections at the top of the blog.
        My hope is that you browse around, learn about the Healthy, Beautiful, Confident initiative, and gain something valuable and inspiring from it. Please feel free to ask questions, leave comments, etc! If you would like to contact me personally, please fill out the Contact Me section on the right side of the page, below my photo.
        I also invite you to share the blog with others! You never know who you could be helping and inspiring!

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